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2nd Anniversary Giveaway

31 Oct

I started designing 2 years ago and I want to do something to mark the occasion! I still have a way to go, but I really feel that I’ve come a long way from my first tries two years ago.

I would like to give away any 2 of my patterns (ebooks excluded) to 2 persons. All you have to do to take part in the giveaway is to comment on this post and tell me which of my patterns you prefer and why. If you want to also tell me what kind of patterns you’d like to see, don’t hesitate.

My own personal favourite pattern is Cretaceous. I really like the different knitting directions and I like how the two different colour yarns emphasize that. I also like the simple lace that highlights the border.

You have until Friday, 4th November 11pm (GMT+1) to leave your comment, don’t forget to include contact information so I can get in touch if you are a winner. I will use a random number generator to select the winners. Good luck! 😀