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Grow With Me Beanie

10 Oct

This hat was born out of necessity. I needed to knit woolly hats for my two boys and had a huge stash of sock yarn (I always do). I wanted the knitting to be fast and the hat to be warm so I decided to use two threads of sock yarn.

Also, I decided to make a hat that would last more than one season, hence the beanie. It fits a wide range of head sizes, from toddlers to teenagers (and even adults with small to medium head size). I have tried it on an 18-month old and it fits my small-ish woman head.

The length is simply adjusted by turning the brim, which provides extra warmth on the ears. It is perfect as a basic winter hat for children for every day use thanks to its simplicity and the hardwearing qualities of sock yarn.

Basically, this hat should fit any child, perfect if you want to knit for a child but are unsure of his/her head size.



About 200 m / 220 yards total of 4-ply sock yarn
2 threads are used for this design so, if you use 2 different yarns, you will need 100 m / 110 yard from each

Needles: 5.0mm/US8 circular needle or DPNs or size needles needed to obtain gauge
Accessories: 4 stitch markers, Darning needle

Necessary Skills

Knitting in the round, SSK, K2tog

19 sts x 30 rows / 10 cm – 4” in stocking stitch

1 size should fit any child

Pattern Cost: $3.00

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