Tag Archives: independent designers

2013 Indie Designer Giftalong – Join us!

31 Oct

A big bunch of independent designers on Ravelry (including myself) decided to organize a giftalong for the holidays with KALS/CALS, prizes and, probably best of all, a 25% discount on 100s of patterns to prepare for the gift season. There are over 160 designers taking part, so there is something for everybody.

Here’s a description of what it is, copied from the group:

What is the Indie Design Gift-A-Long?
It’s prepping for the holidays as only fiber folks can, with special deals from tons of indie designers! The Indie Design Gift-A-Long is a 2 month long KAL/CAL of holiday gifts made from patterns designed by a rather extensive list of independent designers. From November 1 – November 15, 2013 tons of indie designers will be discounting some or all of their patterns 25% for this event. There are ten KAL/CALs to participate in, prizes of all sorts given out, some games, and generally a lot of fun!

If you think you might be interested, go check the group for more detail. Enjoy!
